VMProtect Translator
Our customer has made a cool little application that helps non-English speakers to translate VMProtect to their languages. Thanks, Alexandre, that’s amazing!
The software performs a draft translation automatically, then you may adjust the translation and save the result as a LNG-file that can be used by VMProtect. The application also detects changes in the new versions of LNG-files and allows you to translate just what have been changed.
There’s also a tutorial showing how to use the software, and finally it is open-source so anyone can improve the application the way he needs it.
Sounds cool? It actually is
Here is the executable and tutorials: VMProtectTranslator.zip
Once again, thanks Alexandre!
VMProtect is the best software after Delphi i see in 11 years of programming so thanks to you!
If you have a problem with it or improvement idea, you can report it on the forum or by email.